
  • Users



  • Gets the about of a user from its MyAnimeList username


    • username: string

      Username of the user

    Returns Promise<IUserAbout>

    About of the user

  • Gets the URL & username of a user from its MyAnimeList ID


    • id: string | number

      MyAnimeList ID of the user

    Returns Promise<IUserById>

    The URL & username of the user

  • Gets the list of clubs of a user from its MyAnimeList username


    • username: string

      Username of the user

    • Optional config: ICommonConfig

      Config to make the request

    Returns Promise<{
        data: IUserClub[];
        pagination: IPagination;

    The list of clubs of the user

  • Gets the external sites of a user from its MyAnimeList username


    • username: string

      Username of the user

    Returns Promise<IResource[]>

    The external sites of the user

  • Gets the list of favorites of a user from its MyAnimeList username


    • username: string

      Username of the user

    Returns Promise<IUserFavorites>

    List of favorites of the user

  • Gets the list of friends of a user from its MyAnimeList username


    • username: string

      Username of the user

    • Optional config: ICommonConfig

      Config to make the request

    Returns Promise<{
        data: IUserFriend[];
        pagination: IPagination;

    The list of friends of the user

  • Gets the full profile of a user from its MyAnimeList username


    • username: string

      Username of the user

    Returns Promise<IUserFull>

    The full profile of the user

  • Gets the list of histories of a user from its MyAnimeList username


    • username: string

      Username of the user

    • Optional config: IUserHistoryConfig

      Config to make the request

    Returns Promise<IUserHistory[]>

    The list of histories of the user

  • Gets the profile of a user from its MyAnimeList username


    • username: string

      Username of the user

    Returns Promise<IUserProfile>

    The profile of the user

  • Gets the list of reviews posted by a user from its MyAnimeList username


    • username: string

      Username of the user

    • Optional config: ICommonConfig

      Config to make the request

    Returns Promise<{
        data: IUserReview[];
        pagination: IPagination;

    The list of reviews posted by the user

  • Gets the statistics of a user from its MyAnimeList username


    • username: string

      Username of the user

    Returns Promise<{
        anime: IUserStatistics & {
            days_watched: number;
            episodes_watched: number;
            plan_to_watch: number;
            rewatched: number;
            watching: number;
        manga: IUserStatistics & {
            chapters_read: number;
            days_read: number;
            plan_to_read: number;
            reading: number;
            reread: number;
            volumes_read: number;

    The statistics of the user

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