Whether the anime is airing or not
Whether the source has aprroved entry or not
Background of the source
Broadcast data of the anime
The day which the anime is broadcasted
Human readable string of the broadcast data
The time which the anime is broadcasted
The timezone of the time given
Demographics of the source
Duration of the anime
Total episodes of the anime
Explicit genres of the source
External sites of the anime
Favorites count of the source
Genres of the source
Image URLs of the source
Licensors of the anime
MAL ID of the source
Members count of the source
Popularity rank of the source
Producers of the anime
Rank of the source
Rating of the anime
Relations of the anime
Score of the source (out of 10)
Number of people that scored the source
Season which the anime was aired
Source of the anime
Status of the anime
Streaming platforms of the anime with their site URL
Stuidos of the anime
Synopsis of the source
Theme for the anime
Endings of the anime
Openings of the anime
Themes of the source
Title of the source
Title of the source in English
Title of the source in Japanese
Synonyms of the title
Data of titles (in different languages) for the source
Trailer of the anime (from YouTube)
Type of the anime
MAL URL of the source
Year which anime was aired
Generated using TypeDoc
Data of dates the anime aired