Interface IAnimeReview



date: string

Date which the review was posted

episodes_watched: null | number

Number of episodes watched by the reviewer

is_preliminary: boolean

Whether it is a preliminary review or not

is_spoiler: boolean

Whether it is a spoiler review or not

mal_id: number

MAL ID of the review

reactions: {
    confusing: number;
    creative: number;
    funny: number;
    informative: number;
    love_it: number;
    nice: number;
    overall: number;
    well_written: number;

Reactions of the review

Type declaration

  • confusing: number

    Number of users who found the review confusing

  • creative: number

    Number of users who found the review creative

  • funny: number

    Number of users who found the review funny

  • informative: number

    Number of users who found the review informative

  • love_it: number

    Number of users who loved the review

  • nice: number

    Number of users who reacted the review as nice

  • overall: number

    Total number of users that reacted the review

  • well_written: number

    Number of users who found the review as well written

review: string

Message of the review

score: number

Score given by the reviewer

tags: string[]

Tags of the review

type: "anime" | "manga"

Type of the review

url: string

URL of the review

user: IUser

Data of the reviewer

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