Interface IResponse



approved: boolean

Whether the source has aprroved entry or not

background: null | string

Background of the source

demographics: IExtendedResource[]

Demographics of the source

explicit_genres: IExtendedResource[]

Explicit genres of the source

favortites: number

Favorites count of the source

Genres of the source

images: IPicture

Image URLs of the source

mal_id: number

MAL ID of the source

members: number

Members count of the source

populartiy: number

Popularity rank of the source

rank: number

Rank of the source

score: number

Score of the source (out of 10)

scored_by: number

Number of people that scored the source

status: string

Status of the source

synopsis: null | string

Synopsis of the source

Themes of the source

title: string

Title of the source

title_english: string

Title of the source in English

title_japanese: string

Title of the source in Japanese

title_synonyms: string[]

Synonyms of the title

titles: ITitle[]

Data of titles (in different languages) for the source

url: string

MAL URL of the source

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