Interface ISearchConfig



end_date?: string

Filter by ending date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. e.g 2022, 2005-05, 2005-01-01

genres?: number[]

Filter by genre(s) IDs

genres_exclude?: number[]

Exclude genre(s) by IDs

letter?: string

Return entries starting with the given letter

limit?: number

Number of results that should be limited per page

max_score?: number

Sets the maximum score of the results

min_score?: number

Sets the minimum score of the results

page?: number

Page of the results to go

q?: string

Search term

score?: number

Filters out the results that doesn't match the score (exact)

sfw?: boolean

Filter out Adult entries

sort?: Sorting

Search query sort direction

start_date?: string

Filter by starting date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. e.g 2022, 2005-05, 2005-01-01

unapproved?: boolean

When its value is true, it will include the unapproved entries

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